Monday, August 27, 2007

Siegfried's adventures at the faire

It was a dark and stormy night...Yes, that is the most cliched way of starting a story, but it happens to actually be the truth.... As the thunderstorms were passing all around me I sought safe haven for my longboat at the Village of Deptford, also known as the Illinois Renaissance Faire. I set up my tent and endured a most unusual and unheard of thing. Instead of suffering a cold, wet night, I suffered through a HOT, wet night. Yes, the weather in Illinois is so horrifically bad that it can be dark and raining and still be hot.

The people I met there were very kind and generous though. There were great wizards, the Queen and her court, valiant knights, merry merchants, troubadours and even another storyteller all gathered together for the great festivities.

The next two days were a fair, and bright as the first night had been foul. It was a veritable whirlwind of merriment and fun. I, along with the great throng who attended the faire, feasted on sumptuous and tasty food. There was always music in the air coming from somewhere. The knights gave great entertainment to the gathered crowds, as they fought with great honor, and no heed for personal risk of injury.

I told stories to many good lords and beautiful ladies, as well as the the many fine lads and young damsels who were there. I told stories of foolish men, and wise men. I told tales of heroes, giants, and kings. I told the great tales of the Eddas and Sagas to all who would listen, and hopefully, those who listened were entertained and educated by these great stories of the times gone by.

As I sit here now, safe again home from my travels, my mind thinks back on the great memories, as well as the new ones, that I will make next year.

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